Alcohol Addiction

April 15, 2024

Gary Jackson

Living with an alcoholic How to live with an alcoholic

For example, if your loved one passes out in the yard and you carefully help them into the house and into bed, only you feel the pain. The focus then becomes what you did (moved them) rather than what they did (drinking so much that they passed out outside). If family members try to “help” […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 15, 2024

Gary Jackson

Facts about alcohol and heart health

A study analyzing data of the 2005 US National Alcohol Survey, including 4083 individuals, evaluated the association between current drinking status and early life drinking patterns with three health conditions, including hypertension. They described an increased risk for hypertension in lifetime abstainers and a reduced risk in the less-heavy consumption group; nonetheless, when adjusted by […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 12, 2024

Gary Jackson

Impaired Driving: Get the Facts Transportation Safety Injury Center

Driving under the influence of alcohol, or drink-driving, is a key risk factor for 27% of all road injuries. Thus, drink-driving is a significant public health problem that affects not only the alcohol user but also, in many cases, innocent parties such as passengers and pedestrians. Even at low blood-alcohol  levels,  drivers  experience  problems  with  […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 12, 2024

Gary Jackson

Eyes and Alcohol: The Effects of Drinking

Long-term heavy drinking can cause interference between the brain and the eyes. It may also damage or speed up the aging of various structures inside the eye, such as the lens, retina, and optic nerve. The risk of developing age-related cataracts changes based on the amount of alcohol a person drinks. An Optometry and Vision […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 11, 2024

Gary Jackson

What is End-Stage Alcoholism

Men have alcohol use disorder almost twice as often as women; of the estimated 17 million affected adults, 11.2 million were men and 5.7 million were women.2 Adolescents are not immune. In 2012, an estimated 855,000 young people between years of age had this disorder. Dr. Raja is a board-certified internal medicine physician, certified by […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 11, 2024

Gary Jackson

End-Stage Alcoholism: Signs, symptoms, health, and treatment

Even brain damage and hepatitis can occur in end-stage alcoholics. Typically, an individual reaches end-stage alcoholism after years of alcohol abuse. At this point, people who have spent years drinking may have developed numerous health and mental conditions in addition to their alcohol abuse. The individual may have isolated themselves, lost their job, or damaged […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

If you’d like to try to make some AF drinks yourself, here’s a list of recipes that we’ve created for you. Instead of restricting yourself to water whenever you enter a bar, it’ll be much better to order a drink you’d actually enjoy. This is a great way of forbidding yourself to drink, especially if […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

End-Stage Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms, Management

Now is the time to line up support from addiction specialists, mental health professionals, friends and family, and others living with an alcohol use disorder. You don’t have to alone during this difficult and scary time. Over time, too much scarring in the liver can lead to cirrhosis. Alongside the opioid overdose crisis, another hidden […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Effects of Alcohol on Each Part of the Body

Every person has their own reasons for drinking or wanting to reduce their alcohol consumption. Depending on how much you have been drinking, your body may experience physical and psychological changes as you reduce your intake, known as withdrawal. This disorder also involves having to drink more to get the same effect or having withdrawal […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Drinking alcohol: the facts

Around 5 percent of the alcohol consumed leaves through the lungs, kidneys and the skin. Intoxication impairs judgment and can result in inappropriate and illegal behaviors such as sexual promiscuity, disorderly conduct, driving while intoxicated and acts of violence. No matter how severe the problem may seem, evidence-based treatment can help people with AUD recover. […]

Alcohol Addiction