Author: Gary Jackson

What Effects Does Molly MDMA Have On The Brain?

Neurotransmitters have many responsibilities and roles within the brain. Disrupting them with molly can cause significant, and sometimes permanent, brain damage and impairment. These stimulant effects, combined with prolonged physical activity, a hot environment, and other drugs, can result in unpredictable and serious physical complications. However, there are also some common adverse effects, as well as some severe risks and possible long-term damage. Not all the effects are predictable because so-called pure “ecstasy” can contain other unwanted drugs or chemicals.

can molly cause brain damage

MDMA stimulates the brain, and high levels of neurotransmitters are released and/or not reabsorbed. MDMA causes a surge of serotonin, after which the body will experience a depletion of this “feel-good” neurotransmitter. Ingesting other substances, such as marijuana or cocaine, along with MDMA greatly increases the danger of adverse reactions. Serotonin also triggers the release of other hormones that can cause feelings of attraction and intimacy.

How Molly Works in the Brain

MDMA stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which can produce euphoric feelings such as heightening of the five senses and increased empathy (Mustafa et al., 2018). On the flip side, however, it can also cause insomnia, appetite loss, restlessness, jaw clenching, and in rare cases, overdose and death (Curran, 2000). So, how it possible that the original piece of Ricaurte research, so vaunted by the US government, trumpeted from every news outlet, and chronically referred to in prohibitionist literature as proof of the evils of MDMA was so badly off? Maybe the gods smiled on him and brought him subjects that simply were not representative of the general population. And maybe…maybe he simply took a ‘creative’ view towards data collection methods.

Molly (MDMA) significantly affects three neurotransmitters in the brain, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. In addition to interfering with job performance, family duties, and education, a lack of sleep can contribute to other mental health problems, like anxiety and depression. Neuroadaptation (such as the brain scan research amply demonstrates the existence of) will not be considered. Beyond simply not being able to come up with results even remotely similar to what Ricaurte was claiming, the more recent brain scan work is well worth examining in its own right. Further research has only confirmed their findings, so the answer is…yes and no.

What Research Says About the Long-Term Effects of MDMA Use

Many scientists are working to change the legalization of MDMA to allow for more testing to be done, but some research is still currently ongoing. Overall, research on the effects of chronic MDMA use is limited, and more studies in humans are needed to determine the long-term effects of this drug. Even though substances like molly are considered non-addictive when compared to drugs like heroin or cocaine, anything can become a problem habit. If too many nights spent clubbing with molly or regular molly use while smoking pot or getting drunk have turned a party drug into a substance use disorder, there is help. With its inpatient and outpatient programming, FHE Health has helped many people successfully overcome addiction problems in many shapes and sizes.

Due to the altered sense of reality caused by MDMA use, people who have taken it can make poor, risky, or even dangerous decisions without concern for the consequences. These harmful substances can be particularly dangerous when mixed with MDMA. When users buy MDMA from dealers on the street, they do not know what they are taking. These effects may be due to MDMA alone, or to the combination of MDMA use with other drugs. The effects last for 3 to 6 hours, but people who take a moderate amount may experience withdrawal-type side effects for a week after. These are the brain’s neurotransmitters, and they influence mood, sleep, and appetite.

On supporting science journalism

Another survey published in the same year showed that 1 percent of people aged 19 to 28 years in the United States (U.S.) had used the drug within the last month. [9] Vollenweider FX, Gucker P, Schönbächler R, Kamber E, Vollenweider-Scherpenhuyzen MFI, Schubiger G, Hell D “Effects of MDMA on 5-HT uptake sites using PET and [11C]-McN5652 in humans” Conference of the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neuromedicine, 2000. • Antioxidants are chemicals that, when they run into an oxidizer like hydrogen peroxide or superoxide, will easily react with it, neutralizing it. Antioxidants are part of the body’s natural defense system against such damage. A large observational study from 2022 found that MDMA use was connected to a lower risk of depression, and they advise further study to see if this is a true association. The main psychedelic effects of MDMA can last for an average of 3 hours.

  • Scientific American maintains a strict policy of editorial independence in reporting developments in science to our readers.
  • As a psychoactive drug that has similarities to both stimulants and hallucinogens, MDMA causes altered sensations, euphoria, energy, and empathy.
  • The dose may have been too high, or the pills may have been adulterated with caffeine or other amphetamine-like substances.
  • Neurotoxins can be found in a variety of substances such as heavy metals, pesticides, and drugs.
  • There is an ocean of confounds that must be bridged to make such conclusions credible, especially in light of the strong evidence of no permanent structural changes in user’s brains.

However, while the short-term effects of MDMA only last a few hours, chronic or heavy use of MDMA may possibly lead to long-term effects on the brain. In a 2021 review, researchers explored the literature on the use of several hallucinogens ― including MDMA ― for mental health treatment. According to the review, both animal and human studies found that MDMA can negatively affect the serotonergic systems in the brain. Taking molly affects neurotransmitter levels in the brain, changes blood flow to specific areas and can result in brain damage. MDMA causes greater release of serotonin and norepinephrine than of dopamine.91 Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the regulation of mood, sleep, pain, appetite, and other behaviors. The excess release of serotonin by MDMA likely causes the mood-elevating effects people experience.