Author: Gary Jackson

Telehealth for Addiction Online Rehab & Counseling Programs

Like traditional, in-person therapy, online therapy is talk-based, with online or over-the-phone sessions taking place either weekly, bi-weekly, or at a frequency agreed upon between the client and therapist. Some online therapy platforms have individuals pay for each session with a therapist, while others may require a monthly subscription. Subscription-based therapy session plans usually include one video therapy session a month and access to unlimited text messaging with a therapist. “Unlimited messaging” means that an individual can text their therapist as much as they like, but their therapist might respond only once or twice a day on weekdays. Online addiction counseling varies in price depending on the services offered and the experience level of your therapist. Some providers on this list offer a free trial period so you can see if the platform is right for you.

online therapy for drug addiction

MDLive assists patients with many types of substance and behavioral addiction, but the platform doesn’t cover treatment for substance use in an active medical detox. However, MDLive does provide a free online resource directory on its website. Addiction counseling cost starts at $108 per session, and appointments are available via phone and video chat. The platform also accepts insurance, allowing for a wide range of patients to benefit from its services. MDLive is the nation’s largest virtual care network, and all therapists have an average of 10 years of clinical experience.

Tele-treatment for substance use disorders

However, since many individuals partake in online therapy from their own homes, finding an area separate from distractions, personal stressors, or other people (like roommates, children, spouses, etc.) may be challenging. Our virtual Family Programs and support groups are free and available nationwide. Some sessions are designed specifically for family members of adolescents and young adults with a substance use disorder and others are available in Spanish.

online therapy for drug addiction

Despite being led by licensed therapists, they are not therapy sessions. You can attend them with your camera off and with a nickname to remain anonymous. At the time of writing this article, there were 30 different scheduled workshops, with one devoted to addiction. After the therapist guides the class through exercises and personal reflections, they’ll open the class for questions, which attendees can ask anonymously by using a nickname. One benefit of pursuing counseling sessions online is that it adds a layer of privacy for the individual. Some online therapy sites even allow users to use aliases for their identity.

Get the best in health and wellness

Services are provided via a monthly subscription, which includes unlimited messaging, guide meditations, and mood journaling. The mobile application also sends free daily notifications to encourage patients to improve their emotional health. The “my story” feature allows users to track their daily mood, offering the ability for long-term reflection. The Larkr app has built-in emergency protocols that run 24/7 and are designed to help ensure the safety of its clients. The cost of addiction counseling is $85 for a 50-minute session, and the site offers the option of monthly therapy for $170.

  • Dr. Grace adds that CBT can be used as a complementary treatment for many substance-related addictions.
  • Because it is often more affordable than in-person counseling, patients can pursue treatment for longer periods of time.
  • According to the American Psychological Association (APA), in some states, the terms “therapist” and “psychotherapist” are not “legally protected,” meaning that some who promote themselves as these terms are not licensed.
  • was our pick for the best overall online CBT platform in our review of the best online CBT platforms.
  • The platform also accepts insurance, allowing for a wide range of patients to benefit from its services.

Hazelden Betty Ford’s personalized web portal, My Recovery Compass, is your gateway to recovery resources, activities and tools during and after treatment. Speak with a counselor who understands the struggle with drugs and alcohol. One important thing to remember is that you don’t necessarily need to choose just one type of delivery. In many cases, you might end up with a combination of therapist-led, computer-assisted, and web-assisted therapy.