Author: Gary Jackson

Scared of Being Sober: Why Is Sobriety So Hard?

If you didn’t want to change, you wouldn’t bother to get sober. First, it is normal to be afraid when you first get sober. However, if you don’t learn to manage those fears and put them into perspective, they will drive you right back to the bottle. Take the time to work with us over the next few weeks.

But seeking a professional opinion on where to get started can help alleviate and address your particular fears. Overcoming fears in any situation is difficult, but when it involves a life change, it can be especially challenging. Face your fears of recovery, and talk about them with your loved ones. Then be prepared to work hard and to have setbacks.

What Is A Functioning Alcoholic? (Do They Even Exist?)

Plenty of sober activities can be just as fun as drinking or using drugs. Another common fear in recovery is rejection from friends and family. You may think that your loved ones will think less of you or not want to be around you.

  • I took my last drink on December 19, 2016.
  • In some cases, it’s the addiction talking.
  • Find reasons to laugh and smile through gratitude each hour of your day.
  • In other words, success is the blissful absence of all of the devastating consequences of a previous drug or alcohol habit.
  • For example, severe alcohol withdrawal can be deadly without medical treatment.

This can include meeting people in support groups, adopting new hobbies, going to classes that interest you and pursuing a new career path. Alternatively, you may think following a healthy lifestyle will be too challenging. The prospect of changing your habits completely can, indeed, seem quite daunting. However, addiction treatment involves support in this respect.

Seven Common Fears in Recovery (and Why Sobriety Is Still Worth It)

It’s what you use to check out of everything else. Here’s the thing about the word “fail.” So long as you dust yourself off and keep trying, you haven’t failed at all. People go into these big personal transformations expecting a linear progression from start to goal. It’s not okay to be dishonest with yourself about where you’re headed.

  • She said anyone can have the same experience being sober.
  • Recognizing that fear is present is the first step in moving beyond it.
  • Overcoming fears in any situation is difficult, but when it involves a life change, it can be especially challenging.
  • Sobriety can be an incredibly rewarding experience.
  • In terms of “spookiness,” Hollywood-esque images of creepy dolls and terrifying clowns may come to mind.

In fact, this fear personally led to a dozen failures in my own sobriety journey. Many of us drink because we need something to turn down the volume of the toxic shame parade running through our brains. With proper counseling and/or a good recovery program, you’ll learn important tools for navigating these relationships.

Sobriety Fear #2: Everything will change.

Scary movies often involve gore and death – both topics most people fear. There’s always the fear of a ride malfunction on a roller coaster. Your brain knows this, and, as a result, it becomes afraid. Our team can help you determine if your addiction treatment at Evoke Wellness could be at little to no-cost to you.

Complete the form below and we will complete your insurance verification and get back with you shortly. Now that you can recognize this fear, the question is, how do you get through it? When you are feeling those emotional and ups and downs, how do you pull together the pieces and stick to the path towards recovery? When we asked our alumna to describe what being sober feels like, she gave a detailed and inviting description that captured these key points. However, others striving for or in sobriety may find themselves asking “Why is sobriety so hard?

Feel What Sobriety Feels Like for Yourself

It’s time now to find what makes you feel alive again, because that’s where your passions exist. This might be reading, painting, exercising, playing with your kids, or learning new things. You may have to try out a few new things before you find your “aha!

fear of being sober