Author: Gary Jackson

Open for Discussion: Can Smells Harm You American Chemical Society

So indirectly helium can be classified as something that kills brain cells. Abuse of inhalants during pregnancy also may place infants and children at increased risk of developmental harm. A number of case reports note abnormalities in newborns of mothers who chronically abuse solvents, and there is evidence of subsequent developmental impairment in some of these children. Outside of a medical setting, people using nitrous oxide recreationally aren’t able to control the amount of nitrous oxide as precisely, potentially leading a person to starve themselves of oxygen accidentally. Additionally, nitrous oxide is an anesthetic, which impairs the body’s coordination and awareness even when oxygen flow is maintained to the brain, leading to increased risk of falling.

does smelling gasoline kill brain cells

Don’t think that your brain is fried or all of a sudden not going to be able to function properly ever again if you have been chronically stressed for the past year. I am a firm believer in the fact that in many cases, people can recover and get their brains back on track even after losing brain cells or incurring damage. If you lose a lot of brain cells, it may have a slightly detrimental influence towards your overall cognition – ability to think, problem solve, and perform advanced tasks. However, most people won’t really notice any difference in their overall cognition from losing neurons.

Tweaking the pattern of a synthetic smell

Furthermore, mice learn to discriminate synthetic smells about as quickly as they did real smells. For our study, we projected light patterns onto the surface of the brain, targeting a region known as the olfactory bulb. Previous research has found that when mice sniff different scents, cells in the olfactory bulb appear to fire in a sort of patterned symphony, with a unique pattern formed in response to each distinct smell. Chronic exposure can produce significant damage to the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Smell does not usually contain bacteria, which carry disease and are much larger than the gaseous molecules that make up a smell.

According to Kava Review, there is no evidence linking the natural product with brain cell damage. Due to the effects of alcohol like slowed movement, slurred speech and silly actions, this rumor was widely accepted as fact. It wasn’t until 1993 that science was able to finally conclude that alcohol did not kill brain cells.

Symptoms of gasoline inhalation

Concussion – In most cases, concussions and smashing your head cannot be prevented. However, you can always make sure you are wearing proper equipment for various sports and/or a helmet when riding your bike or motorcycle just to be on the safe side. A concussion is a result of a violent blow to the head that can cause unconsciousness. This blow is capable of killing brain cells in the area that was affected by the strong blow. Bullets (Gun shot) – If you get shot in the head, there’s potential for a lot of brain damage. This is perhaps the most common sense item on the list, but I figured I’d throw it on here just to make the list more comprehensive.

  • “It is conceivable that the long-term effects of exposure to traffic nanoparticles may interfere with normal brain function and information processing,” noted Borm.
  • Concentrated exposure can damage the upper airways and lungs and cause allergic reactions.
  • Additionally, most people don’t understand that their brain also has the power to repair itself and grow new brain cells via a process called neurogenesis.
  • There are people that have done many things on this list that are still very smart, high functioning people.
  • Amphetamine abuse – Drugs like Adderall are not likely going to cause any major brain damage or loss of neurons if used properly.
  • Chronic inhalation of gasoline fumes can have a wide range of consequences, including sudden death.

There are people that have done many things on this list that are still very smart, high functioning people. Nitrous Oxide – When used by a medical professional for anesthetic purposes, nitrous oxide is relatively safe – it will not damage the brain. However, when it is used recreationally in a repetitive manner to maintain a high, it can deplete oxygen levels may inhibit the uptake of vitamin B12. If you take “laughing gas” or “whippets” on the regular, you are putting your brain at risk for cell death – especially over the long term. When we shined light patterns onto a mouse’s olfactory bulb, it generated corresponding patterns of cellular activity. Kava — a root found on South Pacific islands that, when consumed typically as a tea, produces a calming effect on the drinker — has been rumored to kill brain cells, similarly to the myths around alcohol.

How we reviewed this article:

Today, some professional athletes believe smelling salts can improve performance. However, there are some concerns about using them for athletic performance. Sucralose – Similar to aspartame, sucralose is a substance that is found in things like Splenda which acts as an excitotoxin. Basically what it does is excites your neurons to such an extreme that they die. Although there haven’t been direct studies involving sucralose and neurons, most agree that it is linked to excitotoxicity in the brain. Our latest experiments discovered that scents are represented by very specific patterns of activity in the brain.

The researchers found that after about 30 minutes the diesel exhaust began to affect brain activity. The EEG data suggested that the brain displayed a stress response, indicative of changed information processing in the brain cortex, which continued to increase even after the subjects had left the exposure chamber. Even if you do a lot of things on this list, you are likely not going to suffer any major change in intelligence throughout your life. If you abuse a lot of drugs and alcohol, it may do some damage, but eventually (assuming you stop), your brain has the ability to repair itself and function well. Fluoride – Fluoride is a monovalent ion found in things like toothpaste and drinking water. Although it is another highly controversial substance like aspartame, the general consensus seems to be that it is bad for your brain.

Side effects

Inhalants – The poisons in inhalants can cause major problems in regards to brain functioning and can damage many brain cells. If you chronically sniff or huff things like paint and glue, you are risking your brain. Some people experience significant brain damage from years of huffing paint to get a high. Individuals that sniff paint are putting themselves at major risk for brain damage.