Author: Gary Jackson

Meth Detox and Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, and Treatment

Treatment support can be vital in preventing meth addiction relapse. The information above is general in nature, and it’s important to remember that everyone is different. How you came to meth addiction and how you react to the drug is unique to you. That means withdrawal symptoms, while they may follow the generalities above overall, are also going to be slightly different for you than they are for anyone else. In some cases, the emotional symptoms of withdrawal, such as depression, anxiety, or intense cravings, can last for months.

how long does it take to detox from meth

Methamphetamine withdrawal can be a dangerous process for some, but this is primarily due to dehydration. As long as the person stays hydrated and eats a balanced diet, they can combat this, especially with medical help. Fatigue may set in first, followed by overwhelming feelings of depression. Many people also experience paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety and insomnia.

What Factors Affect Meth Withdrawal?

It will also discuss treatment options for methamphetamine withdrawal and provide links to helpful websites. Generally, withdrawal from meth lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, up to a month or more (in some extreme cases), What can you expect during this period? Meth withdrawal can be uncomfortable, but there are things you can do to make the experience more manageable.

Since there are no approved medications for meth dependence, treatment during medical detox is supportive. Addiction specialists may instead use medication to provide relief of withdrawal symptoms from meth. Treatment may ease the mood symptoms and prevent short-term physical symptoms like tremors, nausea or vomiting. Meth addiction can be life-threatening so it’s important to seek help.

Factors That Affect Methamphetamine Withdrawal

That means your body is so used to the drug’s impact that it’s not sure how to function without it. The signature physical symptoms of withdrawal and use are typically itching ‘meth mites’, dental hygiene and open sores. Recovering from substance abuse, many recreational users experience what is known as a “crash” period following the detox, which may last a few days and is commonly accompanied by depression and anxiety.

how long does it take to detox from meth

Here’s a common timeline of meth withdrawal with detailed symptoms to easily guide you on what to expect. If you feel comfortable, you can bring it up with a healthcare professional. Keep in mind that patient confidentiality laws will prevent them from reporting this information to law enforcement. Dopamine and serotonin are two chemical messengers called neurotransmitters that can affect a range of things, including your mood, sleep cycle, and digestive process. Meth causes your brain to release its stores of both these neurotransmitters, contributing to meth’s pleasurable effects. Some people who use methamphetamine undergo the detox process at home.

Treatment For Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

This process may serve as a personal milestone for those who complete the experience. After some time, a patient’s body will stabilize, and they can move on to the next stage of rehabilitation. The three main portions of withdrawal are the crash, cravings and recovery. Methamphetamine withdrawal is a slow, difficult, but enormously valuable process that may last several days or weeks. Detox alone is rarely enough to help someone resist the urge to return to drug use.

how long does it take to detox from meth

They can be intense, lasting for days and, in some cases, weeks. Many factors determine the length of withdrawal symptoms, including the amount of time the person has been addicted. Methamphetamine (also known as “crystal meth”) is an extremely addictive drug. If a person uses it more than once or twice, they have a high chance of developing an addiction.