Author: Gary Jackson

Marijuana Withdrawal: Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment and More

Although some former users report having these types of dreams years after they stop smoking pot. Though the physical effects of withdrawal will stop after the drug has left a person’s system, the psychological symptoms can last longer. Cannabis withdrawal symptoms may not be as severe as withdrawal symptoms from other substances. Opioids, alcohol, cocaine, and heroin can produce severe, even dangerous, withdrawal symptoms.

what happens when you stop smoking weed timeline

If you want to stop smoking weed, it’s also important to remember that you don’t have to do it all on your own. Getting help from your healthcare provider or therapist can increase your chances of successfully quitting marijuana. For most people discontinuing their marijuana use, withdrawal symptoms will usually last for around one to two weeks. However, some people may continue to experience these symptoms for several weeks or even months, a phenomenon known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). While quitting cold turkey isn’t easy and often leads to more intense withdrawal symptoms, there are some reasons people might choose this method. If depression doesn’t lift after a week or two, is impacting functioning, or seems overwhelming, seek help from a healthcare provider or substance abuse counselor.

Medical Marijuana: Facts about cannabis, THC, and CBD

Some states have legalized CBD, so be sure to check state laws, especially when traveling. Also, keep in mind that the FDA has not approved nonprescription CBD products, and some products may be inaccurately labeled.

At Midwest Recovery Centers, we use a unique, proven therapeutic model in the treatment of marijuana addiction and other addictive behaviors. Addressing each client’s individual needs, we provide counseling and education to help them break their dependence on marijuana and other addictive substances. It is common to experience cravings after quitting, especially when around people, locations, or situations that triggered past marijuana use. It is important to develop a social network with other people who do not use marijuana, drugs, or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms may include anger, anxiety, mood swings, aggression, irritability, restlessness, shakiness, sleep problems, decreased appetite, nausea, stomach pain, and more.

Choose How You Will Stop Smoking Marijuana

It isn’t life-threatening or medically dangerous, but it certainly does exist. In the meantime, the brain and the body are hungry for these chemicals, and the result is withdrawal symptoms. People who have used marijuana regularly for some time can expect to experience withdrawal symptoms when they quit. However, people who routinely combine the use of marijuana, drugs, and alcohol may experience severe withdrawal symptoms and should undergo medical supervision as they detoxify.

If you’re ready to quit, talk with a doctor or a substance use disorder specialist about your options. You may not need special instructions, but it’s always a good idea to consult someone about your decision. If nothing else, this person can be a good source of inspiration and accountability. You might notice that some people in your life may be less supportive—particularly if much of your social life centers around marijuana use. In these cases, you may need to consider reevaluating some of your relationships and places where you spend your time.