Author: Gary Jackson

LSD Toxicity Treatment & Management: Approach Considerations, Prehospital and Emergency Department Care, Inpatient Care

Typically, LSD is considered low-risk for addiction – though there are reports of psychological dependence. People who abuse other drugs will frequently take hallucinogens based on their mind-altering properties. This combination can create complicated LSD withdrawal symptoms and often require a more comprehensive treatment plan. Often, people will find that they’ve become frustrated with their life as a result of their LSD use. They feel like LSD has taken over their life and become their sole focus.

The reason why users begin taking LSD is also relevant to ongoing treatment. For people experiencing a bad trip or persistent effects of LSD abuse, detox could include the administration of an anxiety medication to alleviate feelings like terror and panic. There may also be the need to administer antipsychotic tranquilizers during a medical detox, but this is only in very serious situations where a person could potentially harm themselves or others. Though LSD is not considered a highly addictive drug, it is possible for some people to experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

How Do I Know If I Need LSD Detox?

If you’re caring for someone else, get them to lay slightly on their side while you wait. This position will keep their airways open in case they begin to vomit. A fatal overdose from LSD is unlikely, but adverse effects that require medical intervention are possible, especially when someone takes a large amount. LSD can lessen the effects of certain prescription medications and prevent them from working properly.

With many addictive drugs, there are medications that can be given to someone during the detox and withdrawal periods. The medication helps ease symptoms and allows the body to cope with physical discomfort. This is not the case with LSD withdrawal because this drug is not physically addictive. Simple hallucinogen intoxication can usually be managed without consultation.

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Many people, particularly first-time or infrequent users, may experience no withdrawal symptoms at all. During the withdrawal experience from LSD, some people may have symptoms similar to schizophrenia, such as paranoia or bizarre behaviors. Everyone’s brain is different, which is why there are so many different experiences with the LSD use and withdrawal from it. Also, many people wonder if it’s possible to die from LSD withdrawal. The answer is generally no, as there aren’t physical withdrawal symptoms.

lsd detox

In fact, that’s exactly what happened in at least 1 case recorded in the Journal of Substance Use. A male user abused LSD for 2 years; this pattern of prolonged use is not commonly seen with LSD. The user did begin to exhibit physical withdrawal symptoms upon cessation of use; he also felt cravings for the drug when he was not using it. Your chances of experiencing long-term effects, including persistent psychotic symptoms, is higher if you ingest large doses of acid or have a preexisting mental health condition, such as schizophrenia. Visit the following websites to learn about The Recovery Village’s network of drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment facilities. Each center is ready to help people learn how to cope with their addiction and uncover the root causes for their substance use disorder.

LSD: History and Side Effects

Some people experience an LSD hangover or comedown instead of or after the afterglow. How your trip goes and how much you took can dictate how you’ll feel when you’re coming down. The effects of LSD typically kick in within 20 to 90 minutes and peak around 2 to 3 hours in, but this can vary from person to person. Hallucinogens cause people to become out of touch with their surroundings and with their own thoughts and emotions.

  • Many people, particularly first-time or infrequent users, may experience no withdrawal symptoms at all.
  • Unlike most other drugs, this dependence is not physical — it’s psychological.
  • This position will keep their airways open in case they begin to vomit.

Prehospital providers should obtain as thorough a history as possible and examine the patient for signs of coingestion. It’s important to note that everyone’s experience with any drug detox will be unique and there is no one-size-fits-all timeline for recovery. With LSD the issue of mental illness becomes particularly complex because this particular drug can not only trigger underlying problems but also contribute to them or possibly even create them. For example, taking LSD can lead to extreme mood disruptions, and when people are coming down from their trip, they may feel extremely anxious or depressed. Some people even have panic attacks or psychotic breaks when they’re coming off LSD.

This type of rehab therapy treats mental illnesses along with drug abuse or addiction simultaneously, producing optimal outcomes in many instances. Frequently, there is a relationship between drug use and mental health. As has been noted, many people who are addicted to or abuse drugs, including LSD, may have existing, underlying mental health issues. At The Recovery Village, an essential component of the treatment process relies on diagnosing and treating these mental health concerns for the best possible client outcome. Most treatment facilities offer detox programs up to 5 or 7 days in length.