Author: Gary Jackson

LSD Effects Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of LSD

This psychedelic belongs to a class of drugs called hallucinogens. When you take LSD, even in small doses, it can make you hallucinate – hear, see, and smell things that aren’t really there. Because LSD accumulates in the body, users develop a tolerance for the drug. In other words, some repeat users have to take it in increasingly higher doses to achieve a “high.” This increases the physical effects and also the risk of a bad trip that could cause psychosis. This may lead to impaired functioning in the user’s life, and drug treatment programs or professional psychological support may be beneficial for abusers who want to stop. LSD is synthetically made from lysergic acid, which is found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.

In animal studies, it was found to build up in the placenta and bind to receptors there. Another animal study showed an increased chance of spontaneous abortion early in pregnancy when exposed to the drug. Lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as acid, is perhaps the best-known hallucinogenic drug. Despite situational reductions in its illegal production, the drug has found its popularity increasing once again in these modern times.

Is there a risk of addiction?

However, regular acid use can lead to long-term health problems. Experts don’t fully understand how LSD affects your brain and central nervous system to cause the psychoactive effects that make you see colors, hear sounds, or lose the sense of time. But it belongs to the same class of drugs, ergolines, that treats migraine and Parkinson’s disease. If scientists can figure out the reason why it affects your brain like this, it could potentially help treat other conditions in a safe and effective way. Flashbacks, also known as hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), and severe disorientation can happen after only one dose. Because LSD does not cause physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms do not occur when a person stops using it.

lsd side effects

Some people may enjoy the effects they get from partaking in both, but your chances of a bad trip and rough comedown with nausea and vomiting are higher when you mix the two. Depending on whether you had a good or bad trip, the afterglow can involve feeling energized and happy or anxious and unsettled. This phase lasts around 6 hours, but it can last days or even weeks if you took a lot of acid, according to some research. Therapy is an effective treatment option for people who abuse LSD. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy helps people recognize and address the underlying causes of their substance abuse problems. Extreme agitation caused by LSD can lead to violent or risky behaviors.