Author: Gary Jackson

Is It Safe to Mix Alcohol With Lipitor?

In addition, mixed drinks — such as cocktails — may have high amounts of sugar that can affect cholesterol levels. Use of this website and any information contained herein is governed by the Healthgrades User Agreement. By some estimates, about 9% of people who take statins are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes after taking them for 4 years. It is often not safe for people with liver disease or dysfunction to take statins. Before taking statins, it is important to talk with a doctor about alcohol consumption habits and how much alcohol is safe to drink.

The release of histamine can cause symptoms like a runny nose and nasal congestion. Lipitor can also cause common cold symptoms, such as a sore throat and a stuffy nose. If you already experience occasional cold symptoms while taking Lipitor, you might experience worsened cold symptoms while mixing Lipitor with alcohol. Lipitor (atorvastatin) is a brand-name statin drug prescribed to treat high cholesterol. Specifically, Lipitor lowers the “bad” cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, in the blood and increases the “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Lowering cholesterol may help reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other complications and adverse events.

The side effects of Lipitor and alcohol

Alcohol is a legal recreational substance present in wine, beer, and spirits. People using statins have reported a few other side effects, but more research is necessary to understand their prevalence and severity. Statins disrupt insulin-signaling pathways and can affect the function of beta cells in the pancreas, which create and release insulin.

  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines drinking in moderation as one alcoholic drink each day for women and two drinks for men.
  • Even with these medications, of course, you should eat right, stay lean, exercise regularly, shun tobacco, and keep your stress under control.
  • Before taking statins, it is important to talk with a doctor about alcohol consumption habits and how much alcohol is safe to drink.
  • As always, you should seek medical advice from a healthcare professional if you have concerns about how to take prescription statin therapy, such as Lipitor.

Drinking alcohol may lead to worsened gastrointestinal side effects of Lipitor, such as upset stomach and diarrhea. Alcohol can also trigger indigestion and heartburn in some people, which could magnify an upset stomach. In addition, the type of alcohol a person consumes can have different effects on the body.

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It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. One serious side effect of Lipitor is abnormal liver function and liver disease. In many cases, a healthcare provider will routinely check liver function through blood tests during treatment with Lipitor.

Adults should get their cholesterol levels checked by a doctor every few years. Anyone who is worried about their drinking habits should also speak with a doctor. High cholesterol levels cause no symptoms, so diagnosis relies on the results of a lipid profile test. However, many healthcare providers recommend taking it in the evening since most cholesterol is produced by the body at night. Statins can increase the risk of developing rhabdomyolysis, which can cause kidney damage and, eventually, kidney failure.

Drinking alcohol while on statins

As well as increasing cholesterol levels, drinking alcohol increases the risk of high blood pressure and various cancers, including breast cancer. If you drink alcohol and are taking Lipitor, let your healthcare provider know. Many people underestimate their alcohol intake, but being honest with your healthcare provider will ultimately help them take care of you as well as possible. Your healthcare provider knows your medical history and current health status and can advise you on whether or not it is safe to drink while on Lipitor.

If you are on Lipitor and plan to drink alcohol, consult with your physician to discuss the particular risks and dangers of your unique situation. It is possible to repair your liver after long-term alcohol use and Lipitor use, but professional treatment may be necessary. The top reason why mixing alcohol and Lipitor is unsafe is that this drug combination can cause severe liver damage. The liver is the organ that filters toxins from the blood, and without it, toxic wastes would build up in the blood, leading to a slow death.

While occasional changes in liver enzymes tests are normal, persistent elevations in liver enzymes can indicate serious liver problems. But alcohol can have side effects, usually due to drinking too much or at the wrong time (before driving, for example). Alcohol can also interact with medications, particularly tranquilizers and sleeping pills. And because high doses of alcohol can damage the liver, your question about statins is a good one since about 2% of people who take these drugs develop chemical evidence of liver inflammation. Fortunately, the inflammation is usually mild; it resolves when statins are stopped, but many doctors believe it’s safe to continue statin therapy even if mild liver test abnormalities develop. Healthcare providers typically recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercising regularly and eating a heart-healthy diet, while taking Lipitor.

Alcohol and Lipitor