Author: Gary Jackson

Inhalant Withdrawal as a Clinically Significant Feature of Inhalant Dependence Disorder PMC

Of the 11 inhalant abuse and dependence criteria, withdrawal was ranked as the 7th most common criteria among all inhalant users. For those without an inhalant disorder, the ranking of withdrawal was 5th (inhalant abuse, 7th; inhalant dependence, 6th). Among persons with inhalant dependence, the majority (53.4%) experienced withdrawal. Among the seven inhalant dependence criteria, withdrawal ranked as the 6th most common. A timescale for inhalant withdrawal symptoms is hard to define as there are many factors that affect their severity and the period of time they occur over. These can include the types of inhalants being abused, the specific product, the length of time and how frequently they were abused, and whether there are any co-occurring substance or mental health disorders.

The longer the interval between reductions, the more comfortable and safer the withdrawal. The dose of buprenorphine given must be reviewed on daily basis and adjusted based upon how well the symptoms are controlled and the presence of side effects. The greater the amount of opioid used by the patient, the larger the dose of buprenorphine required to control symptoms. Symptoms that are not satisfactorily reduced by buprenorphine can be managed with symptomatic treatment as required (see Table 3).

The Dangers of Inhalant Abuse

Analyses were conducted using Stata version 11.12 Stata implements a Taylor series linearization to adjust standard errors of estimates for complex survey sampling design effects involving clustered data. Percentages for each abuse and dependence criterion, withdrawal symptom, and other withdrawal characteristics were computed for all lifetime inhalant users. These percentages were also reported for each mutually excluded DSM-IV classification of inhalant use disorder (ie, no disorder, abuse, dependence). We also reported the prevalence of cocaine withdrawal symptoms and other characteristics among persons with cocaine dependence for comparative purposes. However, given the high rate of drug-related comorbidities among inhalant users,13 statistical comparisons between respondents with inhalant dependence and cocaine dependence could not be performed.

withdrawal symptoms of inhalants

Because the mainstay of treatment for stimulant withdrawal is symptomatic medication and supportive care, no withdrawal scale has been included. People who use large amounts of stimulants, particularly methamphetamine, can develop psychotic symptoms such as paranoia, disordered thoughts and hallucinations. These symptoms can be managed using anti-psychotic medications and will usually resolve within a week of ceasing stimulant use.


The term ‘withdrawal management’ (WM) has been used rather than ‘detoxification’. This is because the term detoxification has many meanings and does not translate easily to languages other than English. Give 20mg diazepam by mouth every 1-2 hours until symptoms are controlled and AWS score is less than 5. Provide symptomatic treatment (see Table 3) and supportive care as required. During withdrawal, the patient’s mental state should be monitored to detect complications such as psychosis, depression and anxiety. Patients who exhibit severe psychiatric symptoms should be referred to a hospital for appropriate assessment and treatment.

Due to the seriousness of these symptoms, it’s essential to get professional help while going through the withdrawal process. Once a medical detox has begun, a patient will usually be assessed, and a full treatment program established based on their level of inhalant abuse. Treatment for inhalant dependence can take place in either an inpatient facility, which will involve a stay in residential rehab for 30 to 90 days, or in an outpatient facility. The Inhalant withdrawal process can be both physically and mentally taxing, putting recovering users at risk for relapse. To prevent relapse, it is recommended that patients detox in a drug treatment center under the supervision of experienced medical professionals. However, a clear graded relationship among the diagnostic groups is present.