Author: Gary Jackson

Ecstasy Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment

This periodic release of serotonin is what keeps people from feeling depressed or anxious. But when someone takes a drug like MDMA, it hijacks this process and influences the brain to release high levels of serotonin at once, which induces a “high” or euphoria. The problem occurs when the brain runs out of neurochemicals and can’t produce them fast enough. Once the user detoxes from ecstasy or MDMA, fewer serotonin receptors in the brain are activated, and this causes feelings of depression, anxiety, and issues with memory and cognition. This adverse side-effect of MDMA can last for days to weeks, especially if a person has a severe addiction to the drug and has abused it for a long time. Short-term inpatient centers typically start with medical detox and are followed by a program of addiction treatment such as therapy or counseling for 30 to 90 days.

Research is ongoing to learn whether molly changes brain chemistry in the long term. Although molly is marketed as a purer form of MDMA, there are wide variations from batch to batch. Instead they contain drugs like designer fentanyl, caffeine, cocaine, ketamine, bath salts, or other substances. It has some of the same properties of other stimulant drugs like cocaine, but it’s not as strong. There’s also genetic, environmental, and social aspects to substance use disorders. Use of the drug becomes compulsive even when it causes harm, like experiencing poor health or losing relationships or jobs.

What is MDMA used for?

Our individualized treatment plan, programs, and therapies may be a perfect match for you or your loved one. Even though MDMA, ecstasy, and molly refer to different forms of the drug, users often use them interchangeably. Other slang terms come from creative combinations that sound similar to MDMA or ecstasy or reference its effects.

The effects of MDMA typically last for 3 to 6 hours, but some people may experience mild “crash” or hangover-like symptoms immediately after the drug wears off. These can include fatigue, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. People who have developed tolerance or addiction to drugs may also experience more severe withdrawal symptoms such as agitation and confusion that require immediate attention.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)

People with mental health conditions may be more overwhelmed by the withdrawal symptoms and act impulsively by attempting suicide. Thus, after detox, treatment, which can take place in a variety of settings, continues. Medical detox for MDMA withdrawal provides a safe environment that helps ease the physical discomfort of withdrawal and treats mental health conditions with effective, non-addictive medications like anti-depressants. Medical detox can also treat symptoms of withdrawal related to other substances that may be happening simultaneously. For example, when a person doesn’t take MDMA, the brain releases serotonin at regular intervals and healthy levels.

  • Although MDMA withdrawal side effects can’t kill someone directly, they are incredibly painful and unpleasant to go through without outside intervention and help.
  • Therefore, their body may crave the drug because it is the only way to receive higher serotonin levels and other chemicals within the brain.
  • Because most people use it as a party drug on the weekends, those feelings were most intense early in the week afterward.

We provide onsite medical detox to keep you safe and supported through withdrawal while your body starts to recover with the help of freshly made gourmet meals and around-the-clock care. People who want to quit using MDMA can benefit from inpatient rehab and treatment facilities that monitor and treat all withdrawal symptoms while ensuring their safety. Finding a qualified medical doctor or therapist who specializes in addiction treatment is essential for successful recovery. When someone stops using a substance (MDMA) they have become dependent on, their body may experience symptoms commonly referred to as “withdrawal”. These symptoms can occur both physically and psychologically due to changes in the brain caused by regular substance use.

What are withdrawal and detox from MDMA like?

If you’re concerned about molly use, reach out to a trained healthcare professional for guidance and help. Two of the most commonly known names are molly (sold in capsule and powder) and ecstasy (sold as colored tablets). However, a significant portion of what’s sold as molly is either mixed with other substances or contains no MDMA at all. Symptoms may continue to improve, but some people may still experience depression, anxiety, and insomnia. One well-known contingency approach is Motivational Incentives for Enhancing Drug Abuse Recovery (MIEDAR), which is effective for teaching individuals that it is possible to achieve abstinence using self-control.

In some cases, seized Molly was not Molly at all, and instead was the same substance found in bath salts. Molly and ecstasy are manufactured in illegal labs, most of which can be found operating in either Canada or the Netherlands. Honesty promotes trust among peers, aids in building strong bond, promotes healthy coping mechanisms, and enables us to take accountability for our feelings, thoughts, and actions. While it can be tempting to revert to old, dishonest tendencies, leading with honesty will promote a successful recovery.