Author: Gary Jackson

Ecstasy Withdrawal and Detox

Known for its widespread use as a “party drug”, ecstasy is commonly taken by young adults to boost their mood and energy, which can lead to emotional and psychological addiction. This is especially the case for individuals with underlying mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, as withdrawal from the drug can exacerbate these conditions. It can be difficult to pinpoint a specific Ecstasy withdrawal timeline due to the number of factors involved in coming down from MDMA.

  • In many cases, ecstasy is also taken alongside other drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine or LSD.
  • Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a common drug in the class of intoxicants called “club drugs.” These substances are known for their use in nightclubs, dance clubs, raves, and general parties.
  • The symptoms from an ecstasy crash are bad enough; enduring several days of that can be very difficult.
  • Luckily, there are plenty of options when it comes to recovering from ecstasy addiction.
  • On Rehabaid, Jenn aims to write accessible, informative content and provide resources that can help people make empowered and informed decisions about their recovery.

As advocates of mental health and wellness, we take great pride in educating our readers on the various online therapy providers available. MentalHelp has partnered with several thought leaders in the mental health and wellness space, so we can help you make informed decisions on your wellness journey. MentalHelp may receive marketing compensation from these companies should you choose to use their services. The right diet can help repair any damage incurred following sustained drug use and lead to improved immunity, cognitive function, and energy. Nutritionists or doctors can provide tailored food plans specific to addiction recovery. Paxil is a common anti-depressant that is used to treat anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD.

Ecstasy Withdrawal Symptoms

People who become addicted to Ecstasy will experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the drug. Even if medically supervised detox isn’t necessary, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor or addiction specialist before attempting to quit taking a drug that one is addicted to. Working with a healthcare provider and setting up a plan can help improve outcomes and set a firm foundation in recovery. After prolonged use, the user’s brain can become dependent on ecstasy to function and experience these positive feelings.

  • Through guided therapy, patients learn about issues connected to addiction and relapse.
  • As the addicted person’s tolerance increases, quitting may seem like a monumental task.
  • Techniques such as CBT can help individuals learn to identify and avoid their triggers by developing alternative coping strategies.
  • We do understand, however, that ecstasy functions similarly to a stimulant and a hallucinogen, and stimulant withdrawal has been well characterized.
  • People who become addicted to Ecstasy will experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the drug.

These programs can include counseling, group therapy, 12-Step groups, skills development, goal setting, and relapse prevention training. Drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine may be mixed into Ecstasy and have a higher potential for addiction and harm than MDMA alone. Mixtures of multiple stimulants will cause more damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs than the stimulants by themselves.

Dangers and Long-Term Effects of Ecstasy Use

A detox center will place you in comfortable surroundings where you can be assured of help in case of emergencies. This is all dependent on how long the person has been taking ecstasy, how much they took during their last session, and what other drugs were used simultaneously. This requires an individual to stop taking ecstasy, and this is best done through medically supervised detox. Each person has different needs in a detox center and should consider locations, cost, available programs and long-term support services in their decision. More frequent usage will prolong withdrawal symptoms, sometimes from just a few days to up to a week. Dosage plays a small role in the severity of withdrawal symptoms because, generally, if someone is addicted to MDMA, they are not taking small doses.