Author: Gary Jackson

Ecstasy Detox Symptoms, Timeline, Medications And Treatment

This drug can be useful during the detox process as many clients can experience depression and increased anxiety when they wean off ecstasy. While ecstasy is less dangerous to detox from than many drugs, it is not recommended that you do it alone. Individuals who experience intense anxiety and depression during detox are at risk of psychological complications. As advocates of mental health and wellness, we take great pride in educating our readers on the various online therapy providers available. MentalHelp has partnered with several thought leaders in the mental health and wellness space, so we can help you make informed decisions on your wellness journey.

  • Individuals typically report to a treatment center or clinic 1 or 2 days per week.
  • This type of intervention helps change how people think and behave in order to support addiction recovery.
  • Drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine may be mixed into Ecstasy and have a higher potential for addiction and harm than MDMA alone.
  • In such cases, you or someone you know should seek medical or mental health care immediately.
  • People who become addicted to Ecstasy will experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the drug.

It is important to note, however, that this research is still in the early stages. More research is needed to fully understand the effectiveness of medical MDMA. The medical use of MDMA is highly regulated and only administered by healthcare professionals in regulated settings. Ecstasy was classified as a Schedule I drug in 1985, which means that the substance has a high potential for abuse and is not approved by law to treat medical conditions. If you experience lasting effects after taking ecstasy, be sure to seek help from a medical professional as soon as possible. As the effects begin to fade, people often take another dose of ecstasy to double the time it lasts.

Short-Term Inpatient (Residential)

An earlier version of ecstasy, MDMA became popular as a recreational drug during the 1960s and 1970s. In the 1980s, MDMA became fashionable as a party drug in the nightclub and rave scene and its use grew among college students, “yuppies,” and in the gay community. Ecstasy was one of several drugs tested in a military context decades after. It was then re-synthesized, first by Gordon Alles, then by Alexander Shulgin, who tested it on himself, his wife, and his friends. Another significant danger is the fact that people who take ecstasy don’t really know what they are actually ingesting.

Do your research, educate yourself, and reach out to local or virtual organizations that can provide support with addiction. Before and during your time on ecstasy, drink one 16-ounce bottle of water for every hour that passes while on the drug. This will stop you from getting dehydrated and possibly fainting or feeling lightheaded. For street use, ecstasy is made illegally in labs with many ingredients, including isosafrole, amphetamine, and caffeine.

Alternative or Holistic Therapies

If you communicate your problems about ecstasy and express the desire for help, you can avoid substance use disorders. This could mean cutting a tablet into quarters and only taking one at a time. When you begin to feel the effects of ecstasy like changes to the way you see the world around you, a familiar environment can provide you with a sense of security to know where you are. People with heart problems can be at risk when using ecstasy and especially when taken in high doses. When you take ecstasy, the drug increases the way your brain chemicals work.

Research shows drugs like cocaine have a higher potential for addiction than ecstasy. It’s important to know that the effects of ecstasy will be different from person to person. Your health, weight, the amount you’ve taken, and other drugs used with ecstasy can all play a role. These differences can cause a person to react differently to the effects of ecstasy when on the drug and coming down from it.

Standard Outpatient Programs

MentalHelp may receive marketing compensation from these companies should you choose to use their services. The “crash” and mood symptoms of MDMA can be very severe, and people withdrawing are at an increased risk of depression and anxiety symptoms, which may lead to suicidal thoughts or actions. The safest way to detox from Molly is to get in touch with addiction medicine professionals and enter a medical detox program. While withdrawal from MDMA is generally not life-threatening, it can affect many organ systems and cause potential harm.

  • Without the proper care, a former user runs the risk of relapsing during the withdrawal process.
  • Where you choose to seek withdrawal management services may depend on the severity of your MDMA withdrawal symptoms.
  • It’s important to know that the effects of ecstasy will be different from person to person.
  • When a course of treatment is developed and recommended, physical health and psychiatric concerns are taken into consideration, as is the severity of ecstasy use.

A drug treatment center provides a safe, controlled environment in which ecstasy users can work toward recovery. These programs create individualized treatment plans based on each patient’s specific needs. Outpatient treatment is also an option for those who do not have the time or resources to attend inpatient rehab. Contact a treatment provider today for help finding an ecstasy addiction treatment program. For less severe ecstasy withdrawal symptoms, inpatient or residential settings can facilitate the withdrawal management process.8 These facilities may offer support for other aspects of recovery. Either setting can help you get connected with a substance use treatment program once you overcome withdrawal symptoms.

Ecstasy Withdrawal Timeline and Factors Affecting Withdrawal

When ecstasy use is followed by vigorous physical activity, it can lead to a potentially dangerous rise in body temperature known as hyperthermia. Individuals who relapse or return to using MDMA after a period of abstinence may have a lower tolerance to the substance. And if they return to the same dose they were previously using, their body may be unable to handle this amount and it could result in severe and dangerous effects.