Author: Gary Jackson

Ecstasy Addiction And Abuse: Understanding MDMA

For street use, ecstasy is made illegally in labs with many ingredients, including isosafrole, amphetamine, and caffeine. Note that if a drug is sold as “ecstasy,” it still may not have any MDMA at all. Addictive ingredients are used to make ecstasy, causing you to crave more. It was first made by German scientists in 1912, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that it became widely available on the streets.

  • A higher level of these neurotransmitters causes changes in the brain.
  • High doses of ecstasy can cause a spike in your body temperature.
  • These differences can cause a person to react differently to the effects of ecstasy when on the drug and coming down from it.
  • When you take ecstasy, the drug increases the way your brain chemicals work.
  • People who regularly and heavily use it may develop an addiction to it.

A 2022 survey showed that 0.6% of eighth graders (13 years old) said they used ecstasy in the last year. Ecstasy is most popular among younger males, ranging from 18 to 25 years old. In a 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, it was shown that of those 12 years of age and older, almost 2.2 million people used ecstasy in the last 12 months. We may receive advertising fees if you follow links to promoted online therapy websites. 92% of those who begin using Ecstasy later turn to other drugs including Marijuana, Amphetamines, Cocaine, and Heroin. Although the ‘high’ from the drugs usually only lasts a few hours, the crash can last for days.

What Are Common Signs And Symptoms Of Molly Abuse?

It’s a lot safer to test your limits instead of diving right in. After a week following moderate use of ecstasy, people can experience depression, irritability, anxiety, and problems with sleeping. When you take ecstasy, the drug increases the way your brain chemicals work.

addiction to molly

It has some of the same properties of other stimulant drugs like cocaine, but it’s not as strong. Addiction may be possible if there’s regular or heavy use. MDMA, also known as ecstasy or “molly,” is an addictive substance. It’s considered a Schedule I drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse. The drug became a popular “rave” or club drug in the late 1980s to early 2000s; however, its use has declined significantly.

Who Uses Ecstasy?

Call our helpline today, and get started on addiction treatment. Some people do show signs of drug dependence and withdrawal with regular molly use. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), some people who use molly on a regular basis may experience symptoms of dependence and withdrawal. Different treatment options work for different people.