Author: Gary Jackson


Gary Jackson has been working as a social worker for 10 years now. He studied psychology at Boston University and, right after graduation, started helping people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. Now he is writing helpful articles in the fight against drug and alcohol addiction in this blog.

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

12 Step Programs for Addiction Recovery

Treatment waiting lists can take a couple of weeks up to several months, and enrollment in most state-funded treatment services will usually require proof of residence and income. They prioritize and work to manifest values of faith, community, abstinence, acceptance, and ongoing self-improvement in their members. SMART Recovery is a secular alternative to 12-step programs […]

Detox and Treatment

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction: Introduction

Drug abuse changes how the brain works and triggers can take a drug user or recovering addict back to the time when the substance use brought those feelings of pleasure. The self-medication theory of addiction suggests that suffering is at the heart of addictive disorders (Khantzian, 2012). That is, individuals with deficits in skills relevant […]

Drug Addiction

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Do You Genuinely Like The Feeling Of Being Drunk?

More than 70 percent had an alcoholic drink in the past year, and 56 percent drank in the past month. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 70.1% of adults in the United States report drinking alcohol during the past year. “Man, I Love Being Drunk” is not just a song; […]

Alcohol Addiction

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Clinical experience of baclofen in alcohol dependence: A chart review PMC

If you believe you or someone you love may be struggling with addiction, let us hear your story and help you determine a path to treatment. Anyone who experiences side effects while taking baclofen should notify the prescribing doctor immediately. In rare instances, a person may experience a serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis while taking […]

Drug Addiction

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Biofeedback Therapy: Types, Uses, and Benefits

For example, the therapist may say, ‘Raise your shoulders’ or ‘Scrunch your face,’ using the muscle tension signal on the screen to point out the patient’s physiological responses. In thermal biofeedback, patients wear sensors that detect blood flow to the skin. Because people often experience a drop in body temperature during times of stress, such […]

Detox and Treatment

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

DMT: Side Effects, Withdrawal, Overdose & Treatment

Even as the short duration of action means the highs are intense, it also means that the effects last only a few minutes. For some people, this may not be enough time to develop a physical or a psychological need for more DMT, and they may not consider the drug worth the time or effort. […]

Drug Addiction

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Can you drink alcohol on Vivitrol or will you get sick?

Vivitrol is a non-addictive and non-narcotic prescription medication with a low risk of misuse and dependence. Vivitrol is used as part of a comprehensive treatment program to help reduce the risk of relapse and maintain abstinence while in recovery. The Provider Locator is searchable by ZIP code or by city and state. Inclusion in the […]

Detox and Treatment

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Alcohol and Anxiety: Causes, Risks and Treatment

At first, drinking can reduce fears and take your mind off of your troubles. It can help you feel less shy, give you a boost in mood, and make you feel generally relaxed. In fact, alcohol’s effects can be similar to those of antianxiety medications. When you combine two substances that have a similar mechanism […]

Alcohol Addiction

February 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

The Textures of Heroin: User Perspectives on Black Tar and Powder Heroin in Two US Cities PMC

‘Open coding’ was carried out to identify concepts and categories and systematically apply them throughout the transcripts (Strauss and Corbin 1990). The study protocol was approved by UCSF and University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Boards and the data are protected by two Federal Certificates of Confidentiality issued by NIH/NIDA. Details of the methods have been […]

Drug Addiction

February 08, 2024

Gary Jackson

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Peer support groups can help people reduce or stop drinking. Many communities have programs that meet frequently that may be helpful for some people. Licensed therapists work with people who are misusing alcohol to help them stop drinking. They also help people identify and avoid their triggers for drinking. Keep reading to learn more about […]

Alcohol Addiction