Author: Gary Jackson


Gary Jackson has been working as a social worker for 10 years now. He studied psychology at Boston University and, right after graduation, started helping people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. Now he is writing helpful articles in the fight against drug and alcohol addiction in this blog.

March 19, 2024

Gary Jackson

How To Tell If Someone Is On Crack Signs & Symptoms Learn More

These are important things because even under medical supervision, breaking away from the physical hold of drugs is a painful, stressful process. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that’s extracted and processed from coca plant leaves in South America. More commonly, people use cocaine to boost feelings like being energized, happy and alert. Cocaine is […]

Drug Addiction

March 19, 2024

Gary Jackson

Management of overdoses of salvia, kratom, and psilocybin mushrooms: a literature review

Yes, salvia use is considered safe, but it hasn’t been extensively studied. That means possible side effects and risks that could be detrimental to your health may not be understood yet. While salvia is legal in some states, it’s still a powerful drug with real effects and possible risks. Salvia has been used in religious […]

Drug Addiction

March 19, 2024

Gary Jackson

Buddhist Teachings to Overcome Addiction with Vimalasara

Instead of unthinkingly acting on an addictive trigger in the same way we have done before hundreds or thousands of times, we instead see the trigger and sequence of events before and after and have the choice to respond in a different way. Brahm particularly emphasises the role of negative thinking in addictive behaviours. This […]

Detox and Treatment

March 19, 2024

Gary Jackson

Narcissism and Alcoholism

The researchers found that grandiose narcissism, i.e., overt narcissism, was a positive predictor of alcohol consumption. People in this group were also less likely to see their alcohol use as a problem. While narcissism and alcoholism don’t always occur together, there are some reasons why narcissists might be more prone to developing an alcohol use […]

Alcohol Addiction

March 19, 2024

Gary Jackson

What is Alcohol Withdrawal

The prodrome stage can last for 10 minutes and involves some of the first signs that a seizure may be about to happen. Symptoms that you may experience in this stage include confusion, anxiety, irritability, and headache. Some people describe a general “funny feeling” that happens in this phase. When GABA comes to bind to […]

Detox and Treatment

March 18, 2024

Gary Jackson

Flakka: The Zombie Drug RN com

The numbers, both in the northeast and around the U.S., are likely significant underestimates. Its presence in drug-related deaths rose from 0.3% to 6.7% between 2015 and 2020, according to a 2022 report published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. That rate was more than 10% in Connecticut, 19% in Maryland and nearly 26% in Pennsylvania, […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

Gary Jackson

Alcohol-related Liver Disease > Fact Sheets

However, with ongoing use, these capabilities can be impaired, sometimes irreversibly. When you drink more than your liver can effectively process, alcohol and its byproducts can damage your liver. This initially takes the form of increased fat in your liver, but over time it can lead to inflammation and the accumulation of scar tissue. It […]

Alcohol Addiction

March 18, 2024

Gary Jackson

How to Get Sober and What to Expect

Substance disorders are now recognized as chronic conditions that require a long-term process of recovery outside of a formal treatment episode. Recovery management services are designed to provide formalized support that promotes recovery and well-being for a client while they begin to reengage in their lives. This helps an individual to return to work and […]

Detox and Treatment

March 18, 2024

Gary Jackson

Side Effects of DMT Use Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Some scientific studies speculate that DMT may contribute to neurodegenerative and neurorestorative processes. This means it could potentially treat neurodegenerative diseases in the future. Ask a trusted friend or family member to stay near you when you try the drug. Keep in mind that patient confidentiality laws will prevent them from reporting this information to […]

Drug Addiction

March 18, 2024

Gary Jackson

Cocaine Addiction: Signs, Effects & Treatment Options

But it carries many risks, including overdose and serious physical and mental side effects as well as addiction. If you or someone you know has problems with cocaine use, seek help from a doctor or mental health professional. Although there’s no cure for drug addiction, treatment options can help you overcome an addiction and stay […]

Drug Addiction