Author: Gary Jackson


Gary Jackson has been working as a social worker for 10 years now. He studied psychology at Boston University and, right after graduation, started helping people struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. Now he is writing helpful articles in the fight against drug and alcohol addiction in this blog.

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson


The disease model of addiction, studies show, also fosters more compassionate attitudes towards those who are addicted and more human treatment. Addiction is also viewed as a disease in order to facilitate insurance coverage of any treatment. Repeated use of a drug changes the wiring of the brain in a number of ways. Having co-occurring […]

Drug Addiction

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

SAMHSA Announces National Survey on Drug Use and Health NSDUH Results Detailing Mental Illness and Substance Use Levels in 2021

This transition occurred in 10th graders in 2014 and in 12th graders in 2015, reflecting a steep decline in daily cigarette use and fairly stable daily marijuana use. When you call our team, you will speak to a Recovery Advocate who will answer any questions and perform a pre-assessment to determine your eligibility for treatment. […]

Drug Addiction

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

End-Stage Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms, Management

Now is the time to line up support from addiction specialists, mental health professionals, friends and family, and others living with an alcohol use disorder. You don’t have to alone during this difficult and scary time. Over time, too much scarring in the liver can lead to cirrhosis. Alongside the opioid overdose crisis, another hidden […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

Same Day Detox Program: Urgent 24 Hour Admission to Rehab Treatment

Quality medical drug detox centers don’t use these “cold turkey” methods; rather they provide medications and therapy to manage withdrawal symptoms. With heroin and alcohol, doctors won’t give you these substances to wean you off them. You will get prescription drugs that act in the body like heroin or alcohol in order to ease withdrawal […]

Detox and Treatment

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

Salvia: Everything You Need To Know

The duration of the effects is similar to other methods of oral ingestion, although depending on the potency of the extract they can be significantly more intense. A lot of recreational drug users don’t get this when first trying Salvia divinorum. A way of revealing the actual experience of the trip is simply asking the […]

Drug Addiction

April 10, 2024

Gary Jackson

Family Therapy Recovery Research Institute

Family therapy allows for all members of the family unit to be present and active in counseling and intervention. Family therapy may include one-on-one counseling to provide individual insights with the therapist in preparation of all the family members coming together in family therapy. Family therapy provides family members opportunities to share how its members […]

Detox and Treatment

April 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Psilocybin mushroom Description

Flashbacks can be brief, or they can reoccur for years after an experience with a substance. Studies suggest flashback episodes are rare and when they do occur are not always a negative experience. Mushrooms are considered safe when taken in small doses or within a therapeutic setting. While shrooms are not addictive or habit forming, […]

Drug Addiction

April 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Effects of Alcohol on Each Part of the Body

Every person has their own reasons for drinking or wanting to reduce their alcohol consumption. Depending on how much you have been drinking, your body may experience physical and psychological changes as you reduce your intake, known as withdrawal. This disorder also involves having to drink more to get the same effect or having withdrawal […]

Alcohol Addiction

April 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Signs Someone Is on Crack

This can cause you to use the drug repeatedly, leading to addiction or dependence. If you recognize signs that someone is on crack, you should contact a medical professional or addiction specialist. People who are on crack for a long period of time are more likely to experience infections because of a compromised immune system. […]

Drug Addiction

April 09, 2024

Gary Jackson

Nutritional Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder

Veggies, fruits, fruit juices, nuts, beans, and peas naturally have folate. Alcohol and poor eating can stop your liver from releasing glucose into your blood. This can lead to low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia. When you drink too much, you’re more likely to eat foods that are high in added sugar, salt, and […]

Detox and Treatment