Author: Gary Jackson

Are Toads Poisonous to Humans? Vet-Approved Safety Facts & FAQ

It is important to note that not all individuals who come into contact with bufotoxin will experience poisoning symptoms. If you are aware of cane toads in your backyard, you should first ensure any pets or children do not access the area or come into contact with them. As cane toads are classified as a pest and a threat to Australia’s ecosystem, you may wish to humanely euthanise any cane toads you may find in your backyard. If you are unsure or need assistance with this, you can contact your local council to get appropriate contacts for cane toad removalists to get rid of the toads for you.

symptoms of toad poisoning in humans

A brain study confirmed that he had no brain function, and he was pronounced dead later the same day (from Bradley & Klika, 1981). Releasing a captive-bred pet toad into the wild can harm both the toad and the ecosystem. It’s better to try to rehome them, give them to a pet store, or take them to an animal rescue organization. We’re a website dedicated to helping reptile owners and enthusiasts care for their beloved pets.

Are they dangerous?

Therefore, the toxin is delivered in large amounts directly into the body of the animal. Humans typically don’t mouth toads, so the effects of the toxin are comparatively mild. But, it’s important to discuss the instances where we must be cautious and the degree to which toads are toxic to humans. These poisonous secretions generally hold one or more of the following toxins in varying degrees, depending on various factors such as the toad species and the level of maturity. All toads have poison-carrying parotoid glands located behind their eyes on the sides of their heads. However, these poisonous glands can also be housed inside numerous warts across the surface of their body.

Amphibians—frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders—are equipped with defense mechanisms deserving of much caution. Some of the potent toxins they produce include digoxin, tryptamines, and tetrodotoxin. These can cause a variety of symptoms such as irregular heart rhythm, dizziness, cardiac arrest, and paralysis. The abnormal EKGs at presentation showed sinus bradycardia in most patients with bradyarrhythmia in a few patients.