Author: Gary Jackson

AA Step 1 Acceptance Is The First Step To Recovery

Recovery from alcohol addiction generally follows the stages of abstinence, withdrawal, repair, and growth. This article will describe the foundation of the steps, what each of the 12 steps of recovery means, what to expect when doing the steps, and how to help a person recovering from an addiction. The Initiation stage is comprised of two sub-stages, the above-described questioning stage and the stage of early abstinence.

step 1 of recovery from alcoholism

Others in the precontemplation stage may feel hopeless and helpless about their situation or overwhelmed by the energy required to make a change. Alcoholics may even lie and blame others, rather than their addiction, for their problems. They usually resent suggestions that they should seek help or change their behavior. Seth brings many years of professional experience working the front lines of addiction in both the government and privatized sectors. Continued to take personal inventory and, when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

How Do You Complete Alcoholics Anonymous Step 1?

Express your concerns in a caring way and encourage your friend or family member to get help. Try to remain neutral and don’t argue, lecture, accuse, or threaten. When you drink, sip slowly and take a break of 30 minutes or one hour between drinks. Drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea, so make sure you eat food when you drink. It’s much easier to avoid drinking if you don’t keep temptations around.

  • In this stage, a person will consider or enter rehab for alcoholics.
  • To avoid a relapse at this stage, your mental health is vital.
  • Good alcohol treatment prepares you for these challenges, helping you develop new coping skills to deal with stressful situations, alcohol cravings, and social pressure to drink.
  • Take a look at our guide and learn everything you need to know about the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and their purpose.
  • They believe that the risk of relapse always remains and that the disease requires lifelong treatment.
  • If you think you may have a drinking problem, you’re definitely not alone.

If your goal is to reduce your drinking, decide which days you will drink alcohol and how many drinks you will allow yourself per day. Try to commit to at least two days each week when you won’t drink at all. Our hope is merely to capture the spirit of the fellowships, and to approach people with the language they commonly use to describe the disease of addiction. Dominica has attended both Alcoholics Anonymous and Codependents Anonymous meetings over the years and appreciates the support she’s received. She’s got a deep-rooted passion for helping others heal emotional pain and trauma, as her own journey through love addiction has served as a catalyst for her own healing and transformation.

The Twelve Steps

And you don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom; you can make a change at any time. Whether you want to quit drinking altogether or cut down to healthier levels, these guidelines can help you get started on the road to recovery today. We hope this introduction to the main alcoholic recovery stages has been helpful. There is now a convincing answer to the question of “can you recover from alcoholism.” It is much easier to beat alcoholism with the help of trained professionals at a rehab center. Treatment begins as soon as the patient has undergone detox.

step 1 of recovery from alcoholism

Doing a cost-benefit analysis to weigh the benefits of alcohol use against the cons and costs can sometimes help a person find clarity at this stage. Individuals may waffle back and forth between wanting and not wanting to change. They may decide, for instance, that they’re going to seek treatment sometime in the next six months but won’t set a definite date. By the time people reach the contemplation stage, they’ve begun to recognize they have a drinking problem and may want to get help, but they’re often on the fence about it. They may also rationalize, or make excuses, for their behavior.

Women and Alcohol

Prolonged abstinence along with healthy eating and exercise during this stage can also allow people to begin recovery from liver damage. Contemplation can be an uncomfortable process, and feelings of guilt, shame, hopelessness and desperation are common as people reach this crossroads in their addiction journey. At this stage, defense mechanisms are in high gear, and people are reluctant to even acknowledge they have a problem. They may try to avoid the topic of their drinking or minimize the negative impacts of their alcohol use. AA’s 12-step program offers several advantages and sobriety benefits. There are also some drawbacks to consider before deciding to join a 12-step program.

  • These principles are best considered spiritual than religious as they focus on concepts such as faith, honesty, humility, courage, acceptance, repentance, and forgiveness.
  • Relapse is a common feature of substance use disorders, and it is more the rule than the exception.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous 12 steps have been used for a long time and have helped many people overcome alcohol addiction.
  • Step 11 encourages members to remain in touch with a Higher Power (by prayer and meditation), paying attention to inspiration or promptings as a guide for navigating their recovery journey.
  • Recovering alcoholics know what the process of healing means to them and how crucial it is in their lives.
  • Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Members have to find faith in a Higher Power or something greater than themselves. You get to define who or what that power is and believe it can help you heal and recover even if you experience setbacks. Addicts tend to spend a lot of time denying that they have a problem or believing they can quit whenever they want. The first step towards lasting addiction recovery is admitting you have a problem and are powerless to help yourself. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs. Addiction recovery is a process, and step 10 helps you come to a point where you can control your actions at every moment. The idea behind this step is that you cultivate the discipline to maintain your progress for the rest of your life.

Most people with alcohol problems do not decide to make a big change out of the blue or transform their drinking habits overnight. Even after admitting you have a drinking problem, you may make excuses and drag your feet. It’s important to acknowledge your ambivalence about stopping drinking. If you’re not sure if you’re ready to change or you’re struggling with the decision, it can help to think about the costs and benefits of each choice. Recovery is possible, especially with the help of loved ones and groups like AA.